A Simple Intro

One of the best suggestions I received for writing a blog was stated as follows: “Type it as you would speak it. Don’t try to be a perfectionist or like anyone else.” I can honestly say that as a result of this statement I must immediately toss the idea of attempting to sound versed in whit or eloquence, I will leave that to Jane Austin on the pages of her wonderful novels, and as for being a perfectionist, well that’s more of a challenge; I entered adult life with a PHD in overthinking and bachelors in perfectionism.

On most big life decisions, issues, or cross roads I always find myself journaling, praying, and talking things out with my innermost circle…you know who you are and I continue to thank you and apologize profusely… and when situations prove to be exceptionally “complicated” a pros and cons list will be formulated and so the over thought thought process continues. Surprisingly this is not the case for my adventures. I have lost track as to the number that happen last minute or the times where I have the dates in check but nothing else planned. I thrive on the spontaneity and find myself excited for the unknown which was once a great stressor. I see adventure as a shift in routine, a detour if you like, rather than an escape from life. It offers a chance to breathe fresh air, to explore the great unknown, and most importantly to remind myself of the reason of my existence.  

I can promise you that in the posts that follow you will find only Annaliese Allen for I can’t pretend to be someone I’m not. So prepare yourself friend for the discovery of both my passions and flaws. In tribute to one of the greatest films, A Knights Tale, I must quote:  “So without further gilding the lily and with no more ado” I give you my blogged adventures I’m calling Authentically Annaliese.