Live the full life of the mind, exhilarated by new ideas, intoxicated by the romance of the unusual.
— Ernest Hemingway

Annaliese Allen was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Growing up in a multicultural home and spending the first decade of her life living in three states and five countries, Annaliese has a deep-rooted love of diverse culture and food. Although the beautiful foothills of Colorado Springs, Colorado have long been home, Annaliese seeks every opportunity to travel and learn from other cultures.

Graduating from Pikes Peak State College in 2017 with a double AA in Studio Art and Art History, Annaliese was adamant that school was behind her. Spending the next five years exploring different job opportunities, she eventually realized her calling lay in the arts. Returning to school in the fall of 2022, Annaliese is currently pursuing a BA in Visual and Performing Art at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs. Upon graduating from UCCS she will continue her education pursuing an MFA.